
Dating on ff

Due to the ratio of males/females here the answer to that question probably depends wholly on your gender, lol. Ladies probably have a near 100% chance of finding someone on here if they stick with it for awhile and assuming one or the other is willing to relocate, men probably have a 0-10% chance.
11 years

Dating on ff

idluvr wrote:
Due to the ratio of males/females here the answer to that question probably depends wholly on your gender, lol. Ladies probably have a near 100% chance of finding someone on here if they stick with it for awhile and assuming one or the other is willing to relocate, men probably have a 0-10% chance.

Yeah,I have noted that the FAs seem to outnumber the BBWs by quite a marginsmiley
11 years

Dating on ff

Lorien29 wrote:
amidsttundra wrote:

I'm a man, I met my significant other on here.

We still don't live together because I live in Scotland to study and when we met I lived in Cornwall (the opposite end of the country). She lives in Hampshire, but we've effectively been living together while I was not at sea.

There are no odds, it's about personality and willing. I had to take 6 hour train rides to meet the girl I'm with now and when I'm back in Scotland it'll be 15 hour overnight coach trips (train's too expensive for a five hour time saving). I'm willing to do that because she's worth it.

There are girls closer than her, but none with her personality and none that I would have had such a connection with.

Beyond my own experience I've known of Trans-Atlantic couples who've made it work, but some members feel they can fire 200 cut and paste PM's to every girl who signs up, then piss and moan that it's impossible to meet people on here or they have a certain expectation about what a person on FF should be like and discover that not everybody is a one dimensional fetishist.

So really it boils down to how you choose the members you message and how you convey your emotions. Just as in a bar, you have to be able to handle conversation and realize that what applies to one person may not apply to another.

eve wrote:
I think the two posts above mine are both wrong, at opposite ends of the spectrum. There is NO WAY that women have a near 100% percent chance of meeting someone, no idea why a man feels he can say that, lol.

I'd say that sentiment is indicative of the douchey attitude "Why don't women like me..?" As if it's not their fault, but the fault of women not to discover the brilliance behind their "Hey, sup'" messages.

I'm this rather attractive man's partner and yes we met on here, without this site, that allows me to be myself, i would have never met him! Your chances are just as great as others, yes perhaps it may take a time because us girls don't like the creepers and just very wary or people just wanting a fat fling. You gotta think that some girls that do go on here have just started exploring this side of life, i was and it was all baby steps!

This man has a way with words as you can tell and he got me at his first email! He introduced himself and mostly he was a gentleman (that and damn fine) yes he has a love for fat and feederism but that wasn't discussed until later. I mean its a giver being on this site that i have some fetish going on and that i'm fat, there is not need for fat talk straight off.

His writing gives me butterflies and so does he! Ugh i love him! He is completely worth it as well.

Well,I don't want a 'fat fling' either,looking for something lasting,but getting too old for most of the ladies on here,have met two off this site previously,both were very nice but no spark there for us sadly,so I am still looking,just not too hard...
10 years

Dating on ff

The furthest I have travelled is 300 miles from home,I was lucky to have a reliable car that never let me down.
Even the UK members are well spread about,
LesLumieres,I feel your pain in losing someone,never to speak with them again,as that happened to me once,I put an end to something wonderful by making a stupid decision,it was a steep learning curve and I should not have been so hasty.smiley
10 years

Dating on ff

I couldn't continue a relationship with this lady as I didn't see eye to eye with her family,but we continued an online friendship for another year,I only spoilt it by asking her to do something that she clearly couldn't do without causing uproar,huge mistake,friendship oversmiley
10 years

Dating on ff

my local interactions have been disappointing as well. I would love to click with somebody, particularly nearby.. I'm openminded and want to explore with somebody smiley
10 years

Dating on ff

jillydoll wrote:
my local interactions have been disappointing as well. I would love to click with somebody, particularly nearby.. I'm openminded and want to explore with somebody smiley

I find FF interesting but not realistic as a "dating site". I really like the site and am always drawn to this site. Years ago my profile on FF was created by the lovely young lady I was dating at the time, she gave me the name "stomachstretcher" because I stretched her stomach like a balloon! Shortly after our breakup she disappeared from FF. I have continued to log in to FF from time to time and I have communicated with many of the wonderful ladies on FF, but have never "connected" with any of them!

I have to agree with jillydoll, local interactions have been very disappointing!
10 years

Dating on ff

I find it interesting the people have mentioned Dimensions, as a site they have met their SO. I once met a lovely girl from that site and we dated for like 6 months. I didn't have any pictures or anything like that, however she read some of my posts and thought I was someone that she would get along with. Well go figure how great things turned out, and we got along better than ever. So it does help to post on the site and interact with others instead of just pm'ing every girl that signs up.
10 years

Dating on ff

I have to point out that while it's hard to find the right person, it's probably the best time in human history to do so. At least there's a community of feedists now, even if it's only online.

When I was a young man I didn't even know feedees existed! I knew at least one feeder existed (me), and suspected that there were others, but didn't really know.
10 years

Dating on ff

Xutjja Plag wrote:
Relationships are more trouble than they're worth. Buy an expensive sex toy and a dog, they're both far more rewarding.

A cat, surely? Dogs are so... dependant.
10 years
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